Diocese of St. Cloud


Joe Towalski
Director of Communications
(O) 320-258-7624

July 8, 2016



Bishop Donald Kettler of St. Cloud released the following statement today:

“The shocking events of the last few days in Dallas, Falcon Heights, and Baton Rouge once again highlight the need for us to pray for peace and justice in our nation. The violent loss of life, whatever the circumstance, is always a tragedy.

“I ask you to join me in praying for the five police officers killed in Dallas, for the injured officers and civilians, for Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, and for all the families and loved ones who have been impacted. May God’s never-ending love and mercy bring them comfort during this difficult time.

“I also ask you to pray for healing in our nation and wisdom for our leaders to address the fear, anger and divisions that exist in our society. We continue to pray for members of our law enforcement community, that they make good decisions as they serve our communities, often at risk to their own lives.

“Our faith teaches us that black lives matter, police officers’ lives matter — every life matters, because every human life is sacred. We are all children of God, created in his image and likeness, no matter the color of our skin, the country we come from or the faith we profess.

“In this Year of Mercy proclaimed by Pope Francis, I encourage every person to ask themselves: What is one thing I can do to promote peace and justice in my neighborhood, school, community or city? How can I eliminate racist attitudes and prejudices that might have taken root in my own heart and mind? How can I build relationships with people who don’t look, act or believe as I do?

“Through such efforts, we will foster reassurance instead of fear, unity instead of division, and reconciliation instead of conflict. May our actions be signs of hope for all.”