Bishop Patrick Neary, C.S.C. will celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation for adults (18+) at the Vigil of Pentecost on Saturday, May 27, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. at the Cathedral of Saint Mary. This is for Catholic candidates who are seeking to complete their Christian initiation. Each parish that is preparing adult candidates for this sacrament is strongly encouraged to send its candidates, along with their sponsors and families, to the cathedral for this Diocesan Confirmation Liturgy.
The National Statues for the Catechumenate (legislated by the U.S. Bishops on Nov. 11, 1986), strongly advocates that adult Catholics celebrate Confirmation independent of the Easter Vigil (§26).
The Code of Canon Law, which is restated in the RCIA, only grants the pastor permission to confirm those whom he baptizes or whom he receives into the Church from another Christian tradition (Code of Canon Law 882-884). In the case of a baptized Catholic, the pastor must seek the faculty to confirm (NS §28; CIC, §883 °2).
For information on preparing Uncatechized Catholic Adults for the sacrament(s) of Confirmation and/or Eucharist please see the RCIA Part II, Ch. 4. and the National Statutes nn. 25-29.