Teacher/Educator Resources

** Please note these are Foss Science Kits but the topics fit the standards well


  • Trees and Weather
  • Animals
  • Materials in Our World
  • Talk about the Engineering Process

Grade One:

  • Solids and Liquids
  • Pebbles, Sand and Silt
  • Insects and Plants
  • Engineering Unit: A Work in Progress

Grade Two:

  • Air and Weather
  • Balance and Motion
  • Plants and Animals
  • Engineering Unit: Catching the Wind

Grade Three:

  • Structures of Life
  • Physics of Sound
  • Sun, Moon and Stars
  • Engineering Unit: The Best of Bugs

Grade Four:

  • Water
  • Energy and Electromagnetism
  • Mixtures and Solutions
  • Engineering Unit: Water, Water Everywhere

Grade Five:

  • Motion, Force and Models
  • Soils, Rock and Landforms
  • Environments
  • Engineering Unit: Marvelous Machines

Grade Six:

  • Physical Science


The standards focus on these topics. This does not indicate that every school needs to purchase Foss Kits or use the suggested resources. This is for the purpose of framing what topics are taught at what grade level.

Catechetical Resources

  • ecatechist.com is a website that gives ideas, resources, and inspiration for catechists of all ages.
  • catechistsjourney.com is a blog written by Joe Paprocki, a fellow catechist and nationally known speaker.

The Diocesan Educational/Catechetical Leadership Institute was begun in 1997 as a 5-day orientation program for new or nearly new diocesan leaders. In 2010, the Leadership Institute became an online program which expanded in 2011 to include two tracks of recordings, each track with its own complement of webinars and question-and-answer (Q & A) sessions. Track I serves new diocesan educational or catechetical leaders. Track II serves the professional development needs of veteran diocesan administrators.

Starting in 2012, the online Leadership Institute is expanded again. It is offered free of charge to all interested individuals. It will continue to serve the needs of diocesan leaders. Many of the webinars and Q&A’s are also of interest to parish catechetical leaders and catechists, Catholic school principals and teachers, and other individuals who provide faith formation to diverse age groups and settings.

The Leadership Institute is sponsored by the National Educational Association Departments of Chief Administrators of Catholic Education and Religious Education, the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, and the Secretariats of Catholic Education and of Evangelization and Catechesis, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Overview of Church Documents Relating to Catechesis



The Confirmation preparation process in the Diocese of Saint Cloud seeks to foster and strengthen the faith of the candidates through the relationships of family, peers, sponsors, and faith community, knowing that it is through witness and relationship that they can come to know and love God.

The Confirmation Guidelines Introduction is an overall look at the preparation process for use within the Diocese of Saint Cloud, Minnesota. These guidelines are accompanied by five supplemental booklets, each describing an element of the Confirmation preparation process complete with outlines and examples.

Extra copies of the supplemental booklets can be purchased for your parish by contacting CEM at cem@gw.stcdio.org.

Guidelines for Preparation of Confirmation Intro (PDF)

Guidelines for Preparation of Confirmation Element 1 (PDF)

Guidelines for Preparation of Confirmation Element 2 (PDF)

Guidelines for Preparation of Confirmation Element 3 (PDF)

Guidelines for Preparation of Confirmation Element 4 (PDF)

Virtual Confirmation Retreat Materials:

Leader Guide (PDF)

Student Guide (PDF)

Guidelines for Preparation of Confirmation Element 5 (PDF)

For liturgy planning guides and protocols, please see the Office of Worship.

Professional Catechetical Organizations

Professional organizations that promote catechesis: National Conference for Catechetical Leadership: a Catholic association dedicated to advancing the Church’s teaching mission in the United States, especially by promoting excellence in catechetical leaders.

National Catholic Educational Association: a professional membership organization that provides leadership, direction and service to fulfill the evangelizing, catechizing and teaching mission of the Church.

Catechist Training Resources

In the Ministry of the Word is a catechist training program offered through the Diocese.

The Catechist Journey Webinars are sponsored by Loyola Press are presented by Joe Paprocki. The Webinars are broken into chapters by theme for easy viewing. They include: Your Role as a Catechist, Lesson Planning and Preparation, Choosing Learning Activities, Preparing the Learning Environment, Leading Reflective Prayer, Discipline, Polishing Your Technique, 10 Things You Can Do Right Now to Become a More Effective Catechist.

These resources from Twenty Third Publications offer a variety ways to strengthen one’s own faith so children, youth and adults see in us what they long for in their own lives. The resources which we provide here are all designed to help you grow.

Echoes of Faith Plus from RCL Benziger is the most widely used catechist/teacher formation program in North America. Echoes of Faith Plus includes 13 videos that demonstrate effective catechetical approaches, methodology, and theology. Companion booklets provide the learning design for each participant and include valuable resources, reflection questions, articles, and prayers. Over 60 renowned specialists in catechetics and theology brought their knowledge, expertise, and skills to the Echoes of Faith Plus project.

Catholic Education Ministries Scholarship

The Diocesan Catholic Education Ministries Scholarship Fund exists as a Catholic education grant program within the Diocese of St. Cloud to help in the qualifying training of religious education coordinators, youth ministry coordinators, Catholic school personnel, and others preparing for ministry in parishes, schools, and offices of the Diocese of St. Cloud.

More information about about the scholarship as well as a downloadable application go to the CEM Scholarship page at https://stcdio.org/cem/catholic-education-ministries-scholarship.