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Join Bernie Evans to delve into key questions of the age, such as ecological stewardship and care for body, mind, and spirit through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching. Explore the communal and personal actions that help every believer proclaim the reign of God in this presentation based on his book, Stewardship:  Living a Biblical Call.

This event will take place at two locations:
  • St. Louis Catholic Church, Paynesville: This is a live presentation in English with Spanish translation available.
  • Christ Our Light Catholic Church, Princeton: The presentation will be live streamed to this location. 804 South 7th Avenue, Princeton, MN 55371 – 763-389-2115.  Website: Christourlightmn.org
Refreshments and lunch are provided at both locations. There is no fee for Stewardship Day; however, Goodwill offerings will be gratefully accepted.

About the Speaker

Bernie Evans holds the Virgil Michel Ecumenical Chair in Rural Social Ministries at Saint John’s School of Theology-Seminary, Collegeville, Minnesota. A frequent speaker in parishes on the topic of biblical stewardship, he holds a PhD from Catholic University of America. His previous books include Lazarus at the Table: Catholics and Social Justice and Vote Catholic? Beyond the Political Din, published by Liturgical Press.

Stewardship Day is presented by the Stewardship Advisory Council of the Diocese of St. Cloud and is supported through the Bishop’s Annual Appeal and a grant from Bridge Builders for a Thriving Mission.


Download the flyer – English (PDF)

Download the flyer – Spanish (PDF)

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