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The lock-in will include Mass, swimming, rock climbing, prayer opportunities, ga-ga ball, dodgeball, wallyball, racquetball, movie room, game shows, great food and snacks, silent disco and more. Bishop Patrick Neary, C.S.C. will join us for Mass as well.

Youth leaders, please use the links and resources below to register your parish/ACC group.

Cover Letter (PDF)

Registration Process (PDF)

Parish Enrollment (Google Form)

Poster (PDF)

Banner (JPG)

Youth Form (PDF)

Youth Form (DOC)

Leaders, throughout the night there are various opportunities to chaperone specific areas, please use the sign up below to select a space and time to intentionally chaperone. There is also a link for liturgical ministers – leaders, please sign up interested youth.

Liturgical Ministry Help

Chaperone Sign Up

We have imagery to use on the screens in parishes, if you would like this file emailed to you, please click on Laura’s name to email Laura Gorder.

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