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The Godfrey Diekmann Center Roundtable Discussion is with the delegates who participated in the National Eucharistic Congress.


Janet Dusek, Director, Office of Marriage and Family, Diocese of St. Cloud  | Amber Walling, The Central Minnesota Catholic Magazine  |  Deacon Mario and Alejandra Mancilla, Manager of Latino Ministries,  Diocese of St. Cloud  |  Andrew Withuski, Sophomore, St. John’s University  |  Noelle Aguiera, Junior, College of St. Benedict  |  Fr. Derek Wiechmann, Pastor, Newman Center, St. Cloud State University, St. Anthony, Holy Spirit  |  Fr. Efrain Rosado, Benedictine Monk, St. John’s Abbey  |  Sr. Alice Imdieke, Benedictine Sister, St. Benedict’s Monastery

A light dinner and refreshments will be served at 5:30 p.m. RSVP by February 1 at https://forms.csbsju.edu/TS61I03CVU or scan the QR code below.

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St. John’s School of Theology and Seminary • Diocese of Saint Cloud • SJUfaith

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