The Well

Church of Mary of the Visitation, Becker 12100 Sherburne Ave., Becker, MN, United States

The Well is a time to gather with others in [...]

Renovación de Asistencia Médica

Project Care de Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid ofrece la oportunidad de hablar con navegadores certificados en MNsure acerca del proceso de renovación de Asistencia Médica pública.

Sponsor Couple Training – April 2023

Diocesan Pastoral Center, St. Cloud 305 7th Avenue North, St. Cloud, MN, United States

Held at the Pastoral Center in St. Cloud from 9 [...]


Medical Assistance Renewal Webinar- Vietnamese

Project Care of Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid is offering an opportunity to chat with MNsure certified navigators about Medical Assistance Renewal. Join the live presentation via 

Koinonia Retreat- Spanish

Central Minnesota TEC Center, Belle Prairie 18899 Riverwood Dr, Little Falls, MN, United States

A faith as small as a mustard seed can move [...]


Foro de La Vivienda

Great River Regional Library 300 W St. Germain St., St. Cloud, MN, United States

Reunión para hablar con inquilinos y líderes locales y estatales acerca de las preocupaciones relacionadas con la vivienda.

Clínica Móvil de Salud

St. Michael's Catholic Church 1036 CO RD 4, St. Cloud, MN, United States

Exámenes físicos, vacuna Pfizer, pruebas de VIH. Reciba una $50.00 [...]