During the weekend liturgies of November 12 & 13, 2022, parishes may acknowledge, honor and thank those who are currently serving or have served in the armed forces. Below is a suggestion:
Blessing: During the Concluding Rite, invite all veterans in the assembly to stand as they are able for this special blessing:
God of Mercy, You sent Jesus Your Son among us as our Prince of Peace.
His love overcomes the barriers of fear and violence, and conquers the power of death. As our world continues to struggle with conflict and war, we thank you for all veterans of military service. Bless these men and women for the sacrifices they have made to protect the lives and freedoms of others. Bring those who have died to the peace of Your Kingdom, and provide for the needs of body and spirit for those still among us in this life. Watch over those in military service today, and all those affected by war and unrest. May Your Spirit bring unity and harmony to all Your children, made one through Christ our Lord.