
Marriage Preparation Course

Congratulations on beginning your journey toward a sacramental marriage! And welcome to the marriage preparation program offered by the Diocese of Saint Cloud.

The journey of a Christ-centered marriage nurtures and strengthens husbands and wives in their love for each other and God. This preparation will challenge you to grow in your relationship, spirituality and faith.You will take home with you skills so you can begin your marriage with the tools that will make a faithful, lifelong commitment possible.

Preparation content includes discussion about: Communication/Handling Conflict & Problem Solving, Faith, Self-Awareness, Finances, Sexuality, Forgiveness, Natural Family Planning & Commitment.

Pastoral Center
305 7th Avenue North
St. Cloud MN (West of Cathedral High School)

Click here for map and directions to Pastoral Center

Saturday, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM and Sunday, 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM

$175, includes refreshments, Saturday noon meal and materials

Register early! Weekends are limited to 35 couples per date.

2020 Marriage Preparation Course Dates
June 6
September 12

October 23 & 24
December 4 & 5

2021 Marriage Preparation Course Dates
January 8 & 9
February 5 & 6
April 16 & 17
May 14 & 15

Click here to Register for a Marriage Preparation Course at the Pastoral Center location only!

Second Marriage Course Information

The Second Marriage Preparation Course is for couples preparing to marry after the death of a spouse or an annulment. Marriage preparation must be completed at least three months before the date of the wedding celebration. It is recommended you complete the course well in advance (six months or more). Many couples take the course one year before their wedding.

Pastoral Center
305 7th Avenue North
St. Cloud MN (West of Cathedral High School)

Saturday, 8:00 AM to 5 PM

$175, includes refreshments, noon meal and materials

2020 & 20201 Second Marriage Preparation Course Dates
October 10, 2020
March 27, 2021

Click here to Register for a Second Marriage Preparation Course at the Pastoral Center location only!

Hispanic Marriage Course Information

Marriage preparation must be completed at least three months before the date of the wedding celebration. It is recommended you complete the course well in advance (six months or more). Many couples take the course one year before their wedding.

Pastoral Center
305 7th Avenue North
St. Cloud MN (West of Cathedral High School)

Saturday, 8:00 AM to 5 PM

$110, includes refreshments, noon meal and materials

2020 & 20201 Hispanic Marriage Preparation Course Dates

Noviembre 14, 2020
Marzo 20, 2021

Additional Approved Marriage Courses Outside St. Cloud

Marriage Preparation Resources

NOTE: The Marriage Course fulfills only one of the requirements in our Diocesan Marriage Preparation Policy. Be sure to check with your parish about completing the Fully Engaged premarital inventory.

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