In accordance with the national plan, a core team was formed in the St. Cloud Diocese. This team —under the direction of Bishop Donald Kettler and led by co-chairs Father Derek Wiechmann and Kristi Anderson — serves as a consultative body for the revival. It includes a broad range of men and women from various age groups, ideologies, cultures, vocations in life and apostolates.

Four working teams are offshoots of this core team: Prayer and Devotion, Education, Outreach and Event Planning. Teams are still forming, so if you’d like to get involved in one of them email

Ultimately, everyone is invited and encouraged to be part of this initiative. Rita Vanderwerf, a core team member who attends St. Mary Parish in Alexandria, aims to help with the Prayer and Devotion team to share her love of the Eucharist with others.

“When I heard the mind-boggling statistic that only about one-third of the Catholic population believes that the Eucharist is really the body and blood of Jesus, I was shocked and saddened,” she said. “I undeniably agree that we, as a Church, are in need of a Eucharistic Revival. Transubstantiation should be a fundamental belief of all Catholics. We all need to be involved in educating and being educated about the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.”