Care for Creation

Our Creator God has made a gloriously complex, beautiful world! These creations of nature—water, air, land, plants, animals—are sacred gifts given to us so that we might live. Not only that we might live a physical life, but also, that we might live a spiritual life as we come to know the Creator more fully through the diversity of nature and our interconnectedness with it. As humans created in the image of God, we have been given the great privilege to exercise stewardship over the earth. We are called to care for God’s creation. 

Care for Creation is one of the seven themes of Catholic social teaching. As faithful stewards of creation, we demonstrate our reverence for the Creator by respectfully and responsibly managing the Earth. This includes: learning about creation in all its gifts and challenges, advocating for ethical practices and care for nature, doing our part as individuals and the collective Church to care for creation and mitigate harm to the Earth, and experiencing/encountering the glory of God’s beautiful creation as well! 

Learn more about how you can answer the call to Care for Creation and view important resources with the links below.

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