Everyone’s faith journey is strengthened and deepened in a variety of ways throughout their entire life-span. Catholic Education Ministries assists parishes and staffs by providing support and resources to enhance meaningful, effective faith experiences at every age and stage of life.
2024-2025 Gatherings
This gathering offered the resources and tools needed for a “coordinator’s toolbox” when it comes to finding and keeping catechists. The resources are linked below along with the link to the Zoom recordings.
Part 1: Inviting (YouTube)
- General Invitation (DOC)
- Sample Catechist Job Description (DOC)
- Slides from Zoom Gathering (PDF)
Part 2: Forming and Supporting (YouTube)
New to Catechesis?
This page offers resources for ministers in Faith Formation and Youth Ministry at all levels. Watch here for links to resources to help you get started in ministry.
Family Formation Options
Pathways for Family Formation
The Diocese hosted Fr. Tim Donovan and Pam Hurwitz from Faith and Family Life Catholic Ministries in May 2023. They shared their philosphy behind the need to start faith formation with parents and gave some practical tips on how to get that started in parishes. To watch the videos click on the following links. The video descriptions have a breakdown of the topics covered during each session for your reference.
Engage Every Family
Author and ministry coach Denise Utter joined Catholic Education Ministries for a four-session book study on her book, Engage Every Family: A Parish Guide to Integrated Faith Formation. Denise covered the guiding essentials for ministry with families, what’s already working and where to start. She ended each session with time for questions. Feel free to use the study guides provided to follow along with each YouTube video.
Week 1: Guiding Essentials (Video Link)
Week 1 Study Guide (PDF)
Week 2: What’s Working (Video Link)
Week 2 Study Guide (PDF)
Week 3: What’s Working Continued (Video Link)
Week 3 Study Guide (PDF)
Week 4: Vision and Design (Video Link)
Week 4 Study Guide (PDF)
Additional Resources (PDF)
For more information about family formation, contact Christine Pinto.
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
The Office of Worship and Catholic Education Ministries worked together to provide videos to help with the RCIA process in parishes. Please contact Catholic Education Ministries for the password to these resources.
The Office of Faith Formation offers gatherings throughout the year for minsiters in all areas of formation. Below are resources from the 2024-2025 year.