Social Concerns

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Social Concerns is the way that Diocese of Saint Cloud collaborates with parishes, the multi-faith community and advocacy groups, to educate and promote action on behalf of Catholic Social Teaching.

Our Social Concerns team is the faith-based social justice education and advocacy office of the St. Cloud Diocese. Our work includes development and support of social ministry teams, encouraging participation in the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) and other USCCB justice efforts, supporting rural life and guiding Care for Creation efforts, building intercultural and multi-faith relationships, and encouraging advocacy engagement and community organizing for long-lasting change in our communities. All this is done in light of our Catholic church’s rich social justice tradition, rooted in the Gospel and the Catholic social teachings.

New to Catholic Social Teaching? Let us help you explore these wonderful treasures of our faith! Learn more about the 7 principles of Catholic Social Teaching here. Or view videos and resources on each of these principles here.

If you have any questions about social concerns for the Diocese of Saint Cloud, contact Kateri Mancini, director.

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