Vocation Prayer

Gracious God and Father,

We praise You for Your goodness and love. You teach us that each vocation is born in prayer and only through prayer does it persevere and bear fruit.

We ask You to stir the hearts of all those You call to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life in the Diocese of Saint Cloud. Make them generous. Make them courageous. Make them joyful in giving everything to Jesus.

Send Your Holy Spirit upon our families and our children. Choose from our parishes, our homes and our schools those called to this adventure of sanctity. With Mary, Mother of every vocation, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Is Jesus calling you to step out and be his priest?

An Andrew dinner encourages young men to follow Jesus where he is calling, specifically if that is to the priesthood. This is a casual dinner with bishop Neary, priests and other young men (9th grade in high school through college age)


Fr. Doug brings young men (10th grade through college age) to the seminary to see and experience others pursuing the call to the priesthood.

Contact the vocations office.

Contact Fr. Doug to simply ask questions about where you feel God is calling you, find helpful books to aid you and other opportunities to support you on your journey.

Contact Fr. Doug Liebsch.

Parish Prayer for Vocations (DOCX)
Prayer for Vocations (PDF)

The Serra Calendar reminds us daily to pray for our priests and our seminarians.

Fr. Doug Liebsch, director for the Office of Vocations.