The word Catechist means “one that catechizes.” It is a derivative of the word Catechesis which means to “echo.” A catechist then is one who echoes the Word of God and passes on the Catholic tradition and teachings. But a catechist is much more than just a teacher who shares factual knowledge; a catechist is a “minister” of the church, one who is commissioned by the community to help form faith in others and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. A catechist is a mentor, witness, faith sharer, and model in the Christian way of life. If you have accepted the request to be a catechist in your parish, you have accepted a responsibility given to a select few. Here are some articles, webinars, videos to help you become a better catechist in your parish. There are approximately 5,000 catechists in the Diocese of St. Cloud every year. THANK YOU for taking on this important role in your parish, our diocese, and in the life of someone else!


Tips for Teaching Religious Education

Ramsey Musallam shares 3 Rules to Spark Learning


Role of the Catechist

1. New catechists are eager to learn some basic teaching skills to help them gain confidence as they begin their service in this vocation. Joe Paprocki talks about the role of the catechist.

2. Rita Pierson: Every Kid Needs a Champion. This TED talk talks about the importance of relationship building in the classroom.


3. The importance of Mentoring. Even though this article talks about mentoring, some of the same concepts apply to those teaching faith formation classes.

Our parents have a huge impact on our lives and the kind of person we grow into being. We know this from experience and we know this from studies that have been done that prove this. However, positive role models can also have a huge impact on us as we are growing up and discovering who we are and where our passions lie.




Catechist as Evangelizer

Catechist as Evangelizer is a webinar from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Father James Wehner presentation will identify the theological foundations of evangelization that provide the basis for Pope John Paul II’s and Pope Benedict XVI’s apostolic mandate — the Church is called to embrace the “new evangelization” as the mission of the Church.

Planning and Preparation

New catechists are eager to learn some basic teaching skills to help them gain confidence as they begin their service in this vocation. In section 3, Joe Paprocki talks about the planning and preparation involved as a catechist.

Selecting Learning Activities

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences is a theory of intelligence that differentiates it into specific (primarily sensory) “modalities”, rather than seeing intelligence as dominated by a single general ability. This model was proposed by Howard Gardner in his 1983 book Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences. Tapping into Multiple Intelligences moves this concept into the classroom.

New catechists are eager to learn some basic teaching skills to help them gain confidence as they begin their service in this vocation. In this section Joe Paprocki talks about selecting learning activities.

6 Tasks of Catechesis

Joe Paprocki, National Consultant for Faith Formation for Loyola Press, discusses the 6 tasks of catechesis and their role in faith formation programs.


Praying in the Classroom:

Watch this video on signs and symbols. These are great ideas on how to in corporate prayer in the classroom.

As a Catechist:

Catechist Prayer (PDF) from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops