Catholic Campaign for Human Development

A domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S. Catholic Bishops

Catholic Campaign for Human Development’s mission is to address the root causes of poverty in America through community-based, self-help organizations and through education about poverty. Founded in 1969, CCHD seeks to empower those living in poverty and to act on the principles of solidarity and the option for the poor that are at the heart of Catholic social teaching.

Catholic Charities serves as the local office for CCHD. As such, our role includes promotion of the annual CCHD collection to support the work of CCHD and their grant organizations (75% of funds collected are sent to the national CCHD office, while 25% of what our diocese raises stays local), administration of local grant funds to organizations striving to alleviate poverty (*must meet certain requirements), and providing resources or presentations to bring awareness to the complex issues surrounding those experiencing poverty in our communities.