Parish Social Ministry

Assisting parish communities to understand and act on Catholic Social Teachings.

This is achieved by identifying, supporting and training leaders who will organize people and activities around four specific complementary ministries:

  • Direct Service – seeking and taking opportunities to address the immediate and basic needs of those in our community through efforts such as food or financial assistance, transportation or visiting the homebound, etc.
  • Legislative Advocacy – making our collective voices heard by local and national decision-makers to help our systems be more just and address the needs of our communities on a deeper and more sustainable level.
  • Community Organizing – building skills for relationship-building and social networking of individuals and organizations that can partner together around common goals to make a positive impact on concerns affecting our communities.
  • Global Solidarity – recognizing the giftedness of being a universal church, and the responsibility to connect with, pray for and serve our brothers and sisters no matter how near or far they may be. 

The Social Concerns team offers presentations, consultation, an annual Parish Social Ministry Gathering, ongoing support and even a Parish Social Ministry Certification program to train and empower those interested in parish social ministry to bring their knowledge to the parish and surrounding communities as they encourage others to be agents of God’s compassion.