Most schools across the Diocese are winding down for the year and the students and teachers are anxiously waiting for summer break. Can there ever be a break from learning? Many teachers take classes during the summer to enhance their teaching. Several school districts are offering summer school for students to enhance their learning. Truthfully, learning is year round and lifelong.
What does learning look like? For some of us, summer is spent catching up on some good novels that we didn’t have time to read earlier. There is nothing like sitting in the sun (with sunscreen, of course) reading a good book. Others of us will enhance our technical skills by learning new apps or programs. Learning can also be a vacation where you see places you have never seen before or visiting historical sites across the state or country.
How about a stay vacation? Nothing intrigues me more than to watch children discovering outdoors. I watched one of my grandchildren totally fascinated by frogs and turtles in their backyard. One of the highlights at visiting grandma’s is catching frogs in the window wells. How about projecting a movie on the outside of a building or sitting around the campfire? Lots of learning takes place along with many memories.
The short message of all this is to enjoy the summer. Keep learning. Make memories. Thank God for the beauty of each day, the learning that takes place and the memories that are made.
Happy Summer!