List of Catholic organizations
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I am very excited and hopeful about the local synod process and the upcoming National Eucharistic Revival to help us become more engaged in [...]
Bishop Kettler: My hopes for a teaching document on the Eucharist
Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, I recently attended the U.S. bishops’ Spring Plenary Assembly during which we voted to move ahead with the drafting of a teaching document about [...]
Area Catholic Communities: Planning for a strong and vibrant future
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, For the last three years, our diocese has been engaged in a pastoral planning process to strengthen parish life and revitalize our mission as [...]
A few words about Safe Haven Sunday and our 2019 Annual Appeal
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, One of the principles of Catholic social teaching is “life and dignity of the human person.” This principle recognizes that every person is created [...]
A Magazine with a Mission
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Welcome to this first edition of our diocese’s new monthly magazine, The Central Minnesota Catholic. I’m excited about this new way of communicating with [...]
In this holy time of year, ‘there’s hope for everyone’
We are waiting on the promise For the One who lights the darkness Bending low to be among us Bring Your glory in the highest, Jesus. Come let us adore [...]
Looking inward and outward during this season of preparation
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Beware. Be vigilant. Pray. These are some of the words we hear Jesus telling his disciples in the Gospel of Luke on the first [...]
We are all called to go out and share the Good News
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, The theme for World Mission Sunday, Oct. 21, is “Born to be Mission.” This day has been set aside for all Catholics worldwide to [...]
Pain, sorrow of abuse revelations must be followed by action
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Over the last several weeks, I have followed the news about the sexual misconduct allegations against Archbishop Theodore McCarrick and the horrific cases of [...]
Respect for human life, dignity are at heart of immigration issue
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, On World Refugee Day June 20, Pope Francis sent two messages via Twitter on which we should all reflect: He said, “We encounter Jesus [...]