Diocesan offices are located in three separate buildings:
- The Chancery (includes offices for the bishop, vicar general, finance, pastoral planning and archives): 214 Third Ave., South, St. Cloud, MN 56301; Phone: (320) 251-2340; Fax: (320) 251-0470.
- Pastoral Center (includes offices for marriage and family, tribunal, vocations, multicultural ministries, Catholic Education Ministries, worship, communications and development): 305 Seventh Ave., North, St. Cloud, MN 56303; Phone: (320) 258-7600.
- St. Cloud Mission Office: 11 – 8th Avenue South
St. Cloud, MN 56301; Phone: (320) 251-1100; Fax: (320) 251-2061.
The bishop’s office can be contacted through his administrative assistant, Colleen Haider, by email at chaider@gw.stcdio.org, by phone at (320) 251-2340; or by mail at: Office of the Bishop, P.O. Box 1248, St. Cloud, MN 56302-1248.
A list of offices and contact information can be found at https://stcdio.org/about/directory.
Contact the diocesan Finance Officer at (320) 251-2340 or by writing to: Finance Office, P.O. Box 1248, St. Cloud, MN 56302-1248.
No wedding date must be set until an affirmative decision has been rendered. The annulment process requires the following:
A) The petitioner contacts his/her parish priest or a Tribunal staff member in order to petition and begin the annulment procedure. Your parish priest can give you the correct annulment form or you can print it from this website. Please see “Annulment Forms”, to print off the correct form needed at the left of this page.
B) When there are ground(s) for a declaration of nullity, the Tribunal will contact both, the petitioner and the respondent.
C) Prior to the formal hearing you, the petitioner, must complete and return the witness list. Witnesses include 2-3 adult people who knew you prior to and during your marriage and can give us information about the marriage. At the time of the formal hearing you, the petitioner, must bring these witnesses in with you. A witness can be a brother, sister, parent, friend, co-worker, neighbor or a member of the wedding party. Witnesses should not all be relatives. We do not interview children of the marriage. At the formal hearing the petitioner and the witnesses will be questioned privately and information obtained in the interview will not be shared with anyone except the members of the Court.
D) If the petition comes to formal hearing the following will occur:
Please note that the decision will be rendered in a timely fashion and is not contingent on full payment of fee. If you have additional questions about annulment procedures, contact the Diocese of Saint Cloud Office of The Tribunal: (320) 251-6557
A: As of July 1, 2016, the Tribunal of the Diocese of St. Cloud will no longer be charging a set fee for annulments. With the promulgation of Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio Mitis Judex Dominus Jesus, this fee has been eliminated. There are many expenses involved in the process and to help defray these expenses, you may wish to make a donation. https://www.stcdio.org/pay.
Divorced people, no matter what their religious affiliation, have a carefully protected right in this Church to ask the Church to determine whether or not their previous marriage was valid. If they are not of the Catholic faith, they seek this generally because they wish to remarry, and the intended spouse is a Catholic who wants the marriage to be recognized by the Catholic Church. We respect the vows of marriage of all people, no matter what their religious affiliation is. Members of the Catholic Church, however, are bound to have their marriage recognized by the Church. This is why members of other churches must often go through an annulment process before they can marry someone in the Catholic Church.
If you do not see the information you were looking for under Annulments, visit FAQs about annulments.
Contact the diocesan archives by calling the Chancery at (320) 251-2340.
Contact the diocesan archives by calling the Chancery at (320) 251-2340.
Twice a year, in July and October, the Diocese of Saint Cloud requests Parish Mass counts from all parishes in the Diocese. This information is used in a variety of ways. Mass counts provide key information for the parish profile. The parish profile is updated every year and given to the Bishop, as a snapshot of the parish, when he goes to parishes for the sacrament of Confirmation. We also share the parish profile with parish priests annually. In addition to the parish profile, we use the information and the seating capacity to help determine number of Masses a parish may need in a given church. This helps in determining priest’s workload and ministry. Over time, we analyze parish life trends.
An Area Catholic Community consists of two or more parishes in a given area. Every parish in the Diocese of Saint Cloud is part of an Area Catholic Community. All Area Catholic Communities will collaborate to provide for the pastoral and spiritual needs of all. As Area Catholic Communities share resources, talents, and efforts we hope to reenergize Catholics so all parishes thrive in the Diocese of Saint Cloud.
The following are values that provide the foundation for our Area Catholic Communities:
- As Catholic Christians by virtue of our baptism we have the responsibility to carry out the priestly, prophetic and kingly roles in the parish and community
- Every parish has something unique and special to bring to the Area Catholic Community
- Leaders from each parish together play an important role in providing the leadership for the needs of the whole Area Catholic Community
- Every Area Catholic Community celebrates the Sunday Eucharist weekly
If you do not see the information you were looking for under the Area Catholic Communities, visit the FAQs about the Area Catholic Communities.
Mail it to: Anna Kampa, Development and Stewardship associate, P.O. Box 1538, St. Cloud, MN 56302. Individual donations can be made online at www.stcdio.org/annualappeal Questions? Call (320) 258-7654 or email akampa@gw.stcdio.org
If you do not see the information you were looking for under the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, visit the Bishop’s Annual Appeal page.
Visit the “Schools” link. You will be able to locate the school or schools closest to your home. You can contact the school for the information. Website links are available for all the Catholic schools in the diocese to learn more about their mission, faculty and staff, core curriculum and community.
No! The mission of Catholic education is to serve our communities through excellent, holistic, faith-centered academic and formational programs that allow Catholic and non-Catholic students to succeed. In our schools, students learn about the teachings and values of the Catholic faith, experience prayer and worship, and practice what they have learned in personal and communal ways. Catholic schools are outward-oriented, and reach into our communities in order to share and celebrate gifts and beliefs. Families of other traditions are most welcome to inquire and learn more.
In an effort to support our parishes and empower parish leadership, the responsibility of education people belongs to the parishes where the individual(s) worship. If someone has a question about homeschool their child for all academics, or for their faith formation, their questions should be directed to their parish faith formation leader. Catholic Education Ministries will gladly be a resource to the parish leaders if there are questions.
Most sacramental preparation is done at the parish level. There are no requirements from the diocese regarding the preparation for the sacraments of First Communion and First Reconciliation beyond what is required by the parishes. The diocese does have Sacramental Preparation Guidelines for the Sacrament of Confirmation, which can be found on the Resources page of Catholic Education Ministries, https://stcdio.org/cem/cem-resources/. Parishes are expected to offer a program for sacramental preparation for Confirmation that meets these guidelines.
The short answer is no, there is no required curriculum. The diocese does have Faith Formation Standards which can be found in the resources portion of the Catholic Education Ministries website, https://stcdio.org/cem/cem-resources/. Parishes are welcome to use the curriculum that they feel is best for their congregation. We do ask that the curriculum of choice meets the Faith Formation Standards of the Diocese of Saint Cloud and has an imprimatur.
The mission of Catholic Education Ministries is to empower parish leaders and parishes with the faith formation of all. With this in mind, registration for youth events in the Diocese of Saint Cloud is done at the parish level. Requiring parish registration allows for parishes to bring their own leaders as chaperones who can follow up with the youth in other events and settings beyond the event itself.
If you do not see the information you were looking for under the Catholic Education Ministries, visit Catholic Education Ministries page.
There are three diocesan cemeteries in the Diocese of Saint Cloud: Assumption, St. Cloud; Calvary, St. Cloud; Sacred Heart, Sauk Rapids. The diocesan Cemeteries Office can be contacted at: (320) 251-5511; or by writing to: Diocesan Cemeteries Office, 2341 Roosevelt Road, St. Cloud, MN 56301.
If you do not see the information you were looking for under the Cemeteries FAQ, visit the Diocesan Cemeteries page.
Contact your Parish Priest and/or Physician as needed
Blessing of Parents After Miscarriage or Stillbirth
Order for the Naming and Commendation of an Infant who Died Before Birth – Archdiocese of St. Louis
Naming Ceremony of a Child Lost to Miscarriage or Stillbirth – Diocese of Fargo
Laura Kelly Fanucci at Mothering Spirit: “Mothering Spirit“
ForYourMarriage Blog post: “Miscarriage“
Facebook Group: “Mommy to a Little Saint“
Hannah’s Hope Support Group: Contact Laura Fanucci at hannahshopemn@gmail.com
Prenatal Bereavement Support Group: St. Cloud (MN) Hospital – Family Birthing Center 320-252-2700 ext. 53528, or Spiritual Care 320-251-2700, ext. 5462
A Gift of Time: Continuing Your Pregnancy When Your Baby’s Life Is Expected to Be Brief – Amy Kuebelbeck and Deborah L. Davis
After Miscarriage: A Catholic Woman’s Companion to Healing & Hope – Karen Edmisten
Bittersweet…hellogoodbye A Resource in Planning Farewell Riturals When A Baby Dies (book) – available through the Office of Worship, 320-251-9068
Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb: Rosary Reflections on Miscarriage, Stillbirth, and Infant Loss – Heidi Indahl
Coping With Pregnancy Loss – pamphlet available through the Office of Marriage & Family, call Sheila at 320-252-4721
Empty Cradle, Broken Heart: Surviving the Death of Your Baby – Deborah L. Davis
Grieving Together: A Couple’s Journey through Miscarriage – Laura and Franco Fanucci
Hiding in the Upper Room: How the Catholic Sacraments Healed Me from Child Loss – Kelly Breaux
Loving Baby Louie: Hope in the Midst of Grief – David and Colleen Currie
Waiting with Gabriel: A Story of Cherishing a Baby’s Brief Life – Amy Kuebelbeck
For guidance on how to care for the body of a child after a miscarriage or stillbirth (whether at home or at a medical facility), download this Care of Fetal Remains document.
NFP Only Physicians in the Diocese of St. Cloud (MN): https://stcdio.org/natural-family-planning/nfp-only-physicians-in-our-diocese/
Decline of serum human chorionic gonadotropin and spontaneous complete abortion: defining the normal curve. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15516387
How Long Until hCG Falls to Zero After Miscarriage? Read More: https://www.verywellfamily.com/how-long-until-hcg-falls-to-zero-after-miscarriage-2371511?utm_source=emailshare&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shareurlbuttons
Elizabeth Ministry International http://www.elizabethministry.com/Miscarriage_Stillbirth.html
Heaven’s Gain Ministries: https://heavensgain.org/
Red Bird Ministries: https://www.redbird.love/
The Mysterious Miscarriage: http://ww.mysteriousmiscarriage.com/home/
Behold Your Child Ministry: https://www.dbqarch.org/BeholdYourChild
Diocese of St. Cloud NFP: https://stcdio.org/natural-family-planning/
Catholic Miscarriage Support: http://www.catholicmiscarriagesupport.com/
Trappist Caskets: https://trappistcaskets.com/
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep: https://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org/
Perinatal Hospice: https://www.perinatalhospice.org/
Prayerful reflections are available below for those who have been affected by miscarriage, stillbirth, infant loss, or a life-limiting prenatal diagnosis.
Reflections for After Miscarriage
Reflections for After Stillbirth
Reflections for After Infant Loss
Reflections for After a Life-Limiting Prenatal Diagnosis
Reflections for Medical Professionals and Ministers
Cohabitation Policy
October 9, 2020
1. The first meeting with the couple should be a general introduction without a discussion about cohabitation. That discussion should occur at a subsequent meeting with the priest or deacon.
2. The emphasis of the cohabitation meeting should be the blessings and opportunities of a good marriage.
3. The guidelines for the discussion about cohabitation are included in the Pre-Marriage Talking Points and accompanying materials.
4. The couple should be asked to live apart or with some other appropriate accommodation. They should be given opportunity, before a subsequent meeting with the priest or deacon, to discuss this issue privately with prayer.
5. Should a couple determine that they cannot discontinue cohabitation, the priest determines the next steps. Moving toward a Catholic marriage ceremony remains a possibility. The fact that the couple may choose to continue cohabitating should not necessarily become the basis for denying them the sacrament of Matrimony. Also, the ritual used is to be determined by the priest.
6. There are three goals for these discussions:
a. The couple would understand the value of chastity.
b. The couple and the pastor, priest, or deacon would have opportunities to listen to each other.
c. A relationship would be established between the priest or deacon and the couple.
Adopted on October 9th, 2020 by Bishop Donald Kettler
Engaged Couples Retreat Dates & Information
The Engaged Couples Retreat is designed to prepare those entering into the Sacrament of Matrimony, either as beginning marriage or having their marriage blessed in the Catholic Church after a civil marriage. Marriage preparation must be completed at least three months before the date of the wedding celebration. It is recommended you attend the retreat 6 to 12 months before your wedding.
Click here for full details.
Schedule and Fee: Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. The $175 fee includes materials, snacks and noon meal. Mass is included and will fulfill our weekly obligation for Sunday liturgy.
Marriage Preparation Retreats/Seminars in Neighboring Dioceses:
Archdiocese of St. Paul & Minneapolis
Cancellation Policy
- $50 non-refundable administrative fee is charged for canceling a scheduled Engaged Couples Retreat.
- No Show ~ No Refund. Couples will need to re-register and repay full course fee.
- In case of an emergency, please call (320) 258-7615 and leave a message with your name and phone number. Every effort will be made to reschedule you in the next available marriage preparation course.
Bad Weather Policy
Inclement weather can occur anytime through the year. We make every attempt to hold the course if at all possible. We also want to ensure the safety of all who attend. In case of bad weather, we will do the following:
- An e-mail notice (and/or phone calls) will be initiated approximately 12 to 24 hours prior to your scheduled weekend to inform you of a course cancellation or schedule change.
- If there is no weather related message or contact, the course will go on as scheduled.
- Please monitor your e-mails (or phone messages) frequently within this 24-hour period, especially during severe weather seasons and/or conditions!
- If the weather conditions in your area are questionable and you are unable to travel, please leave a message with your name and phone number. Every effort will be made to reschedule you in the next available marriage preparation course. Call (320) 252-4721 to determine if the course will be held or to leave a message.
Office hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30 to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A Pastoral Response to Pornography
At their November 2015 General Assembly, the U.S. bishops approved the formal statement “Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography” with an almost unanimous vote.
Bishop Richard J. Malone of Buffalo, chairman of the Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, which directed the statement’s development, said: “My brother bishops’ approval of this statement shows our collective concern for the widespread problem of pornography in our culture today. As the statement says, virtually everyone is affected by pornography in some way. So many people –including within the Church– are in need of Christ’s abundant mercy and healing. My hope is that the statement can serve as a foundation and catalyst for increased pastoral attention to this challenge at the national and local level.”
“Create in Me a Clean Heart” is available in both English and Spanish. Please visit the USCCB’s website to read the document and find resources.
Freedom from Pornography
There are many good men and women in the Church who have struggled with pornography, and if you or a loved one have been effected by pornography, you are not alone! In 2014, the Barna Group conducted a survey among a nationally representative sample of 1,000 U.S. adults on pornography use and found that:
- 37% of Christian men and 7% of Christian women viewed pornography several times a week or more
- 64% of Christian men and 15% of Christian women use pornography once a month or more
- 21% of Christian men either think that they are addicted or are unsure if they are addicted to pornography
- 2014 ProvenMen.org Pornography Addiction Survey – conducted by Barna Group: The survey results are located at: provenmen.org/2014pornsurvey/pornography-use-and-addiction
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas:
- Practical 2-page flyer: 7 Steps to Freedom from Pornography to help people whether they are addicted to pornography or occasionally struggling.
- Website with a variety of resources, videos and articles
- http://www.archkck.org/myhouse
- Covenant Eyes:
- An Internet Accountability and Optional Internet Filtering Service. For all the computers, smartphones, and tablets you use, the service provides a report of the websites your kids visit, the search terms they use, and the YouTube videos they watch. Tailored to the individual family’s needs, it can even block the Internet completely at certain times a day.
- Website has numerous articles regarding pornography.
- http://www.covenanteyes.com/family/
- Diocese of Arlington
- Comprehensive website featuring their Bishop Paul Laverde’s pastoral letter on pornography, “Bought with a Price.” They list resources for men and women, internet filters and several links to other resources.
- http://www.arlingtondiocese.org/purity/index.aspx
- For Your Marriage from U.S. Bishops
- A list of articles and resources
- http://www.foryourmarriage.org/?s=pornography
- Integrity Restored:
- Article: “Five Things Our Bishops Want You to Know About Pornography,” outlining the U.S. Bishop pastoral letter.
- http://integrityrestored.com/5-things-our-bishops-want-you-to-know-about-pornography/
- Kings Men
- An organization that seeks to assist men in their task as leader, protector and provider. Their mission is “Under Christ the King’s universal call to serve, we as men, pledge to unite and build up other men in the mold of leader, protector, and provider through education, formation, healing, and action.” Part of this mission is to help men struggling with pornography.
- http://thekingsmen.org/tkm-battles/
- Knights of Columbus and the “Fathers for Good” program
- Articles and information to assist men who are struggling with pornography.
- http://www.fathersforgood.org/ffg/en/news/pornography/special.html
- Article, “The Pornography Pandemic” by Patrick Trueman (President of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation) was printed in the Knights of Columbus Columbia monthly magazine.
- http://kofc.org/en/columbia/detail/2011_11_computer.html
- National Center on Sexual Exploitation
- An organization that provides education and lobbying efforts to end pornography and sex trafficking from a political and secular point of view.
- http://endsexualexploitation.org
- RECLAiM Sexual Health
- An anonymous, online recovery program from pornography addiction and other unhealthy sexual behaviors. Combining the Brain Science of Change, insights from Theology of the Body and the full support of our faith. While rooted in Catholic teaching and understanding, this program is open to people of all faiths who desire to be whole again.
- reclaimsexualhealth.com
St. Cloud 40 Days for Life
40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign with a vision to access God’s power through prayer, fasting and peaceful vigil to end abortion. The campaign mission is to bring together the body of Christ in a spirit of unity during a focused 40 days of peaceful activism with the purpose of repentance, to seek God’s favor to turn hearts and minds from a culture of death to a culture of life.
Fall Campaign: Wednesday, September 23 – Sunday, November 1, 2020
We MUST exercise our right to assemble in peaceful, prayerful activism to END LEGALIZED ABORTION. Sign up can be on line or “if you have already established an hour in the past and want to do the same, please connect with your captain to sign up”.
Please join us in this peaceful way of activism. WE don’t have to worry about distancing as that can be easily done with 2-4 each hour on the whole sidewalk in front of Planned Parenthood.
Because of COVID-19, we are uncertain of having any rallies. We will update as we learn more.
7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday at Planned Parenthood – 451 East St. Germain St., St. Cloud MN 56304
Email judy4life@meltel.net or call (320) 453-7592 with any questions/concerns or sign up for some time at our vigil
40 Days for Life campaigns consist of 40 days of prayer and fasting, community outreach and constant peaceful vigil in the public right-of-way outside abortion facilities. The volunteers who pray at these vigils have witnessed answers to their prayers.
The Diocese of Saint Cloud congratulates you on beginning your journey towards a sacramental marriage!
Your desire for a Christ-centered marriage will nurture and strengthen you, as a couple, in your love for each other and God. The preparation you will receive will challenge you to grow in your relationship – spiritually, physically and emotionally. Each phase of your preparation is designed for you to take home skills and tools that develops a faith-filled, lifelong commitment.
The Engaged Couples Retreat is a requirement of all couples getting married in the Diocese of St. Cloud. The presentations and topics for discussion include: Faith, Handling Conflict, Problem Solving, Self-Awareness, Finances, Sexuality, Forgiveness, Natural Family Planning & Commitment. Those preparing for a second marriage will also cover the topic of Blended Families.
Register early!
Step 1: Schedule a Meeting with your parish priest or deacon
Contact your parish where you reside as soon as possible after your engagement and at least six months before your expected wedding day. Your parish priest or deacon will explain all of the requirements for your marriage in the Church. All requirements should be met at least three (3) months prior to your wedding date.
Special circumstances should be addressed with the priest or deacon. Please discuss if:
- One or both of you have been married before, even civilly.
- You are now civilly married to each other and wish to have your marriage validated (“blessed”) by the Catholic Church.
- You are presently living together.
- Either of you is a teenager.
- A pregnancy is involved.
Caution: To avoid disappointment, do not book your reception until you have a confirmed date from the Church.
Step 2: Prepare Documentation
Your priest or deacon will explain the required documentation you need to be married in the Church:
- Baptismal Certificate obtained within the last six (6) months (no photocopies)
- Pre-Nuptial Investigation for the bride and groom
- Witness Questionnaires
- Proper dispensation, permissions or delegations as needed
- Civil marriage license
If either of you has been married before, even in a civil ceremony, please check with your priest regarding the possibility of annulment. Take care to provide accurate information and documentation regarding any past marriage(s). If you need to petition for Declaration of Nullity, you will need the final decision before proceeding with the following steps.
Step 3: Take Premarital Inventory
The Fully Engaged Premarital Inventory addresses issues engaged couples need to consider for their marriage. You will get all the information on how to take the inventory at your parish.
Once you have completed the inventory, you will meet with your parish priest, deacon or sponsor couple to discuss your confidential results. The inventory is designed to reveal more about relationships, expectations, living a life of faith and entering into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony.
Step 4: Schedule a Retreat
Preparation is necessary for all the sacraments of the faith including the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Marriage Preparation is not just a “requirement” to be fulfilled before you can have a Church wedding. Rather, the Church offers this time so you can step away from the details of the wedding day and focus, as a couple, on nurturing a lifetime commitment to each other with God.
For dates, locations and registration, see the tabs below and select the course that fits your individual situation. Programs are available in English and Spanish.
Step 5: Follow-up with Natural Family Planning Classes
Basic NFP concepts are included in all Engaged Couples Retreats in the Diocese of St. Cloud. A full course on NFP is highly recommended for engaged couples prior to marriage. NFP helps build the marriage relationship and strength of character necessary for a lifelong marriage. This modern method of family planning is in harmony with Church teaching and is a safe, healthy, effective and very low cost way to plan your family. More information on taking the additional classes will be provided at your Retreat.
Step 6: Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation
As Catholics, the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance or Confession) and Holy Eucharist should be vital aspects of your growth as a disciple of Christ and His Church. Receiving these sacraments will help you prepare you for a more meaningful experience of your wedding liturgy and to enter into your marriage covenant with your future spouse and God.
If you do not see the information you were looking for under Marriage and Family FAQ, visit Marriage & Family Frequently Asked Questions.
Natural Family Planning classes are offered throughout the Diocese of Saint Cloud in a variety of locations in Minnesota’s central sixteen counties. Referrals can be made to other areas of the state or nation. Contact the Office of Marriage & Family at (320) 252-4721 or 1 (800) 624-9019, or email omf@gw.stcdio.org.
To register for the next available class in your area, simply view the online calendars and/or find your location below.
Breckenridge: Julie Budke, R.N., St. Mary’s Church, (218) 731-3953 – Classes are by appointment and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Fergus Falls: Julie Budke, R.N., Our Lady of Victory Church, (218) 731-3953 – Classes are by appointment and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Glenwood: Amanda Recker, R.N., Sacred Heart Church, (320) 239-2108 – Classes are by appointment and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Little Falls NFP Office (320) 631-5660 – First Instruction classes are listed on the online calendars and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
• Cathy Bahmer, Saint Gabriel’s Hospital
• Marge Benusa, L.P.N., Saint Gabriel’s Hospital
• Mary Bontjes, R.N., Saint Gabriel’s Hospital
Long Prairie: Victoria Bulcher, St. Mary of Mt. Carmel Church, (320) 360-5193 – First Instruction classes are listed on the online calendars and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Morris: Joan Jay, Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Mary or Steven’s Community Medical Center, (320) 589-4865 – Classes are by appointment and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Osakis: Hollie Kulzer, St. Agnes School, (320) 859-5864 – Classes are by appointment and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Randall: Mary Bontjes, R.N., P.H.N., St. James Parish, (320)360-6599 – Classes are by appointment and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Rice: Ann Marschel, Immaculate Conception Church, (320) 290-6311 – First Instruction classes are listed on the online calendars and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
St. Cloud NFP Office (320) 252-4721 or (800) 624-9019 – First Instruction classes are listed on the online calendars and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
• Cathy Bahmer
• Amy Borash, PA-C (In training)
• Tami Gewecke
• Katie Haney, R.N.
• Ann Marschel
• Jillian Reber
• Sheila Reineke, OTR/L
• Angel Statz
• Marisol Statz
• Heather Sukut (In training)
St. Michael: Nora Dehmer, St. Michael’s Church, (320) 248-5892 – First Instruction classes are listed on the online calendars and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Sauk Centre: Jill & Isaac Uphus, CentraCare Health-Sauk Centre Hospital, (320) 290-875 – First Instruction classes are listed on the online calendars are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
Wadena: Victoria Bulcher, St. Ann’s Church, (320) 360-5193 – First Instruction classes are listed on the online calendars and are approximately 1 1/2 to 2 hours long. Most insurance plans cover the cost of NFP Instruction.
A: Three classes, approximately one month apart, are recommended. We are happy to teach in a group or one-on-one setting.
If you do not see the information you were looking for under Natural Family Planning, visit FAQs about NFP.
The diocesan website contains all the necessary information under the Office of Safe Environment and each parish and school should have a site administrator who has more information if one needs help. If you have any additonal questions, feel free to contact Office of Safe Environment at (320) 251-2340.
All employees of parishes and schools and anyone who works with children, youth or vulnerable adults.
If you do not see the information you were looking for under Safe Environment, visit Safe Environment frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Contact your parish to add you to the subscription list. If you are not a member of a parish, email your name and address to circulation@gw.stcdio.org or call (320) 251-3022. The annual subscription rate for those not registered at a parish is $25.
Please contact Anne Schluender in the Office of Communications and Development at circulation@gw.stcdio.org or (320) 251-3022.
In the Province of Saint Paul and Minneapolis (Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota), the Ascension of the Lord has been transferred from Thursday to the following Sunday (the Sunday before Pentecost). Other Holy Days include: The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (December 8); The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas – December 25); Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God (January 1); The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (August 15); and All Saints (November 1).
You can pray for the priests and ministers, you can help spread the word or you can make a donation. Mail your donation to:
Office of Worship
Attn. TV Mass
305 Seventh Avenue N, Suite 205
St. Cloud, MN 56303
or click here to make an online donation.
You can call the Office of Worship at (320) 255-9068 or email worship@gw.stcdio.org. Mass Guides are mailed out annually (October/November) to anyone who has previously requested one. There is no cost.
If you do not see the information you were looking for under Worship Office/ TV Mass, visit FAQs about Worship Office and TV Mass.