Bulletin Announcements

Bulletin Announcements2024-06-26T09:39:17-05:00

These announcements are for parishes to use in their weekly bulletins. To submit bulletin announcements for use of all diocesan parishes, please email them.

PRAY FOR PRIESTS – Serra Monthly Calendar is available here for download (PDF) for parish bulletins.

Annual Healing Mass in Honor of St. Odilia

posted 6/26/24

The Crosier Fathers and Brothers will celebrate the annual Healing Mass in Honor of St. Odilia on Sunday, July 14, 2024. We would be grateful if you could help announce this liturgical celebration in your parish bulletin, community newsletter or website. Please find the text for an announcement below.

You are invited to join the Crosier Fathers and Brothers in Onamia on Sunday, July 14, at 10:30 a.m., for the annual Healing Mass in Honor of St. Odilia. The Mass will include the Anointing of the Sick and a Ritual Blessing with a Relic of St. Odilia. A brunch will follow the Mass. Reservations are not needed; tickets for the brunch available at the door. For further information, contact the Crosiers at 320.532.3103 or by email at onamia@crosier.org. All are welcome!

July Annual Appeal 2024 Bulletin Announcements

posted 6/26/24

July 6 – 7, 2024
Bishop’s Annual Appeal: Thank you to those who have already supported diocesan ministries through the Appeal. As of June 17, the Bishop’s Annual Appeal for 2024 has raised total cash and pledges of $1,080,280 toward our goal of $1,450,000 (77.16%). This was made possible through the generous donations of 6,067 people throughout the 16 counties of our diocese. Will you help these ministries meet their funding needs? Visit www.stcdio.org/annualappeal.

July 13 – 14, 2024
Bishop’s Annual Appeal: Help us instruct all ages in the Catholic Faith.  Diocesan ministries provide meaningful opportunities for faith formation to people of all ages and stages of life. Diocesan initiatives educate and support faith leaders in our churches and schools, engage youth in learning Catholic teaching, involve whole families in nurturing their faith and help young adults to live the Gospel message. See how your donations support Catholic formation by viewing our video at:  https://youtu.be/Y4uT9k4VBVo 

July 20 – 21, 2024
Bishop’s Annual Appeal: The Bishop’s Annual Appeal proudly supports respect-for-life efforts in the diocese. Your generosity helps make this possible. To donate, visit www.stcdio.org/annualappeal or mail to: Bishop’s Annual Appeal, PO Box 1538, St. Cloud, MN 56302.

July 27 – 28, 2024
Bishop’s Annual Appeal 2024:  Help us foster vocations and strong families.  Discerning a life of service to the Church requires time, prayer and soul searching. The ministries supported by the Bishop’s Annual Appeal create opportunities to discern vocations through retreats, visits and one-on-one engagement. Those pursuing priesthood and the diaconate are supported spiritually, emotionally and financially in their journeys toward ordination.

Individuals, couples and families are supported in creating loving households through programs and initiatives that encourage healthy family life including men’s and women’s conferences, retreats, natural family planning, healing ministries to the divorced and grieving, and spiritual and educational opportunities. See how your donations support vocations by viewing our video at: https://youtu.be/aqW_qIyYS3Q



July 2024 Stewardship announcements

posted 6/26/2024

July 6 – 7, 2024
Stewardship as a Way of Life:
“As the Lord spoke to me, the spirit entered me and set me on my feet, and I heard the one who was speaking say to me, ‘Son of man, I am sending you…’” Ezekiel 2:2-3

God has a plan for each of us. He calls us to do something for Him. But He doesn’t leave us on our own to figure it out. He gives us the resources we need to do His work. Are you listening for God’s call? When you hear it, do you get on your feet and do the work He asks of you? Do not be afraid. God doesn’t call the equipped, he equips the called. Answer His call.

July 13 – 14, 2024
Stewardship as a Way of Life “He instructed them to take nothing for the journey but a walking stick – no food, no sack, no money in their belts.” Mark 6:8

Imagine taking nothing but a stick when you go on a trip. The Apostles must have really trusted in God’s providential care. Think of all the material things “we can’t live without” in today’s world. We make our life’s journey more difficult because of all the material baggage that we drag along. Putting God first in everything and putting our money and possessions second gives us freedom because we don’t become “slaves” to wanting to acquire more things.

July 20 – 21, 2024

Stewardship as a Way of Life: “He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Mark 6:31

Do you spend time, every day, alone and in silence listening to how God is calling you? If not, you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity to develop a more personal relationship with Him. Unless we talk and more importantly, listen to God every day, how else will we know how He is calling us? Consider making a retreat this year, spend some “alone” time with God.

July 27 – 28, 2024

Stewardship as a Way of Life: “There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” John 6:9

The miracle of the Loaves and Fishes carries two important messages. First, no matter how little we have, we always have enough to share. Second, Christ can take our humble gifts and do great things with them if we are just willing to let Him. Nothing is impossible with God. All of our gifts, big or small, were given to us for a reason. No gift is too small or insignificant!

Minnesota Farm & Rural Helpline

Catholic Rural Life, a national Catholic nonprofit organization dedicated to the vitality of the American countryside, is helping to spread the message about the 24/7 confidential “Minnesota Farm & Rural Helpline” to all Catholic dioceses in Minnesota. Need help finding a confidential financial or legal adviser? Feeling alone, sad or worried and need a listening ear? Call the hotline at 833-600-2670. “Our farmers are facing hard times and this is one way we can help them. This helpline is offered by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture, and all calls are answered locally by trained staff and volunteers,” said Annie Huntington, Catholic Rural Life project coordinator.

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