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All parish secretaries and staff are invited to attend this engaging and informational workshop. The day will include prayer, speakers Fr. Tom Knoblach and Fr. Matthew Crane, lunch, updated information from the diocese and networking.

This is an opportunity to learn more about the guidelines for both parish cemeteries and sacramental record keeping, connect with secretaries and others from around the diocese and take away resources for practical use in the parishes and ACCs.

Please click on the link below to register. On the registration page, you will be able to list specific questions that you would like the presenters to address at the gathering. You may list as many questions as you want.

Registration is closed.


The Ending of Present Things, the Beginning of Things to Come: Cemetery Management as a Work of Mercy and Witness to Eternity
Fr. Tom Knoblach

Catholic cemeteries are sacred places and public witnesses to the dignity of every human life and our faith in the Resurrection and eternal life. We will discuss the Church’s vision for the work of cemetery management and operation and outline some common questions about cemetery policies.

Unto the Ages of the Ages: Keeping the sacramental records of the Catholic Church
Fr. Matthew Crane
This presentation covers church rules regarding the filing, maintenance and issuing of certificates from the baptismal register and other typical sacramental registers found in the parishes of the Diocese of Saint Cloud.


Additional topics scheduled for the day:

    • New branding and social media guidelines for diocesan offices that parishes and ACCs can use as resources
    • Update on the “parish year” of the Eucharistic Revival
    • John Urlab, Claims/Risk Manager, from the Catholic Mutual Group will share updates and available resources

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