Catholic Women’s Conference 2022
September 17, 2022 @ 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
| $35
Mass with the Bishop | Reconciliation | Rosary | Breakout Sessions | Display Tables and Vendors
Hosted in partnership with the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women
Registration fee includes lunch and refreshments
Registration is CLOSED
The Speakers
Marge’s ardent devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary shines through in everything she does, including her lively presentations. Audiences love this internationally known speaker’s authenticity, warmth, and unique ability to blend faith and life with meaningful examples and practical applications. Marge’s joy, inspiration, and simple, everyday spirituality sets her listeners on fire for their Catholic faith and leads them into a more fulfilling relationship with our Lord and his Mother Mary. She’s an award-winning author and journalist and has written several books on Catholic spirituality and Marian devotion.
Hailing from central Minnesota, Leah has been working with young people and mothers since the year 2000. Leah founded The Guiding Star Project in 2011 after feeling called to help women and families by providing resources that honor natural law and promote wholistic feminism. She seeks to create Guiding Star Centers to serve as beacons of hope, joy, and truth – safe havens that uphold human dignity in all stages of life. Leah lives in Minnesota with her family and works as a board-certified lactation consultant. As a mother to seven children, she has a special interest in supporting young women as they transition into their roles as new mothers.
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8:30 – Check in, coffee and rolls
9:00 – Welcome, Opening prayer
9:15 – Keynote Marge Fenelon
10:00 – Reconciliation, Display Tables/Vendors open
10:55 – DCCW Board Meeting/Breakout sessions
11:45 – Mass with Bishop
12:30 – Lunch/Rosary/Display Tables/Vendors open
1:30 – Talk by Leah Jacobson
2:30 – Break, Display Tables/Vendors open
2:45 – Breakout sessions
3:30 – Keynote Marge Fenelon
4:30 – Closing prayer and dismissal
Participants are welcome to attend the 5:00 pm parish Mass at St. Mary’s
Talks by Marge Steinhage Fenelon
Real Forgiveness is R.A.R.E: The Four Steps to Forgiving – Do you find it difficult to forgive – truly forgive? Perhaps there’s someone who repeatedly offends you or who has hurt or harmed you. Perhaps it’s someone close to you like a parent, sibling, or spouse. Even then, forgiveness is possible. Based on her own experiences being raised by an abusive mother, Marge explains the four steps to real forgiveness and the pathway to freedom and joy.
Turning Your Sorrow into Joy: Jesus’ Promise to You – We all need a solid dose of hope in troubled times. Jesus – the Way, the Truth, and the Life – has given us that hope by promising that despite any trials we face now, one day we will rejoice. Discover Jesus’ promise to you in this lively and uplifting presentation and allow him to turn your sorrow into joy.
Talk by Leah Jacobson
Wholistic Feminism -In Wholistic Feminism, you will see how the American women’s movement has defined success in a way that keeps us striving, yet never fully arriving. You will learn to see female contributions in a new light and realize that you are not inadequate. You and your female body were never the problem! Author Leah A. Jacobson will help you find common ground and connection with other women so that you can celebrate sisterhood with other women, not competition. In accepting and loving your feminine gifts, you will discover how worthy you are of blazing your own trail and you will be empowered to create a life of meaningful contribution. It is time for the women’s movement to be whole.
Breakout Sessions
DCCW Annual Business Meeting
Consists of Prayers, Welcome, conducting necessary Business to include presenting and voting on resolutions, election of Treasurer and a NCCW National Convention update by Chris Heiderscheidt Province Director. Questions, contact Linda Borgerding, President at 320-293-1839 or lborger77@gmail.com
My Soul in Stillness Waits – Kristi Bivens
Do you find yourself struggling to hear the quiet voice of God in all of the noise of the world? Are you longing for stillness? Contemplative prayer practices can lead us to a deeper awareness of the God who dwells with each of us. This session will give a brief introduction into types of contemplative prayer as well as the experience of it. Participants will leave the session with practical ways to incorporate contemplative prayer into their own spiritual practices.
Fiat! Our Journey of Trust – Kristin Molitor & April Bechtold
Mary teaches us how to be led by the Holy Spirit. Through personal testimony and teaching, in this workshop you’ll discover what God can do with a few uncertain yeses and a little bit of faith surrendered to His will.
What Do We Have to Fear? – Jillian Reber
We will be exploring the concept of vulnerability in different areas of our lives. This talk draws on biblical, historic, and personal examples of being vulnerable and encourages the listener to examine areas that could be improved to better our relationships.
Satan Uses Shame – Kelli Kleinschnitz
Satan wants nothing more than to steal the joy from your motherhood/womanhood. Kelli will share personal testimony of overcoming shame and identifying the common tactics the devil uses to keep us away from God’s love and mercy. I want to be the kind of woman who, when my feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says “Oh, no! She’s up.”
This event is co-sponsored by:
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