MinnesotaCare FAQ Webinar- Somali
August 16, 2023 @ 1:00 pm
Project Care of Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid offers a webinar in which certified MNSure Navigators will respond to frequently asked questions about medical coverage. You can find the webinar here: www.facebook.com/ProjectcareMN
Navigators are also available to assist families and individuals who lost medical coverage on July 31st, 2023. To make an appointment, call 320-253-0121 or e-mail projectcare@mylegalaid.org
Project Care is Free Service of Mid-Minnesota Legal Aid. MNsure navigators help community members enroll in public healthcare programs like Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare, or get premium subsidies for private plans. They also help enrollees stay covered by completing renewals, reporting changes, and responding to requests for updated information.