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July 25, 2023 will mark the 55th Anniversary of Humanae vitae!

In celebration, we’ll host our annual diocesan Humanae Vitae Mass & Award Reception on Thursday, July 27 at Saint Mary’s Cathedral, Saint Cloud at 7:00 p.m. with Bishop Patrick Neary. We are blessed to have people in our diocese who have dedicated themselves to the promotion of Natural Family Planning and the principles of Humanae Vitae.


Nominations Open until May 1, 2023

If you know a person(s) who has demonstrated courage in promoting Natural Family Planning, submit your nomination in writing (500 words or less). For more details on nominating a candidate, see flyer here: https://stcdio.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023-Humanae-vitae-request-flyer-outlined.pdf 


Send, fax, or e-mail nominations before May 1, 2023 to:

Office of Marriage and Family
Natural Family Planning Advisory Committee
305-7th Avenue North Suite 100
Saint Cloud, MN 56303
Fax: 320-258-7658
e-mail: omf@gw.stcdio.org

Questions? Contact Sheila Reineke, sreineke@gw.stcdio.org or 320-252-4721 x308

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